The Ministry of Sense

Scientists that don't play by the rules...

I want to come and visit your school or venue as soon as you’ll have me!
— Sam Gregson
One of the most entertaining science shows I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot of them! It was brilliantly funny and interactive the whole way through, with plenty to enjoy for both a general audience and science enthusiasts. I left the show with a much greater understanding of particle physics and the LHC!
— Hana Ayoob, Programmer for Cheltenham Science Festival
To say the students really enjoyed it would be an understatement. The excitement in the room was sensational and the lessons they got from it, without even knowing they were still “learning” a very intricate and important part of physics, was excellent. I have never seen so much engagement and desire to want to know and see more before in my entire teaching career.
— Stefan Smith, Maths & Physics Teacher at Dinnington High School.
The audience were ‘along for the journey’, hooked by his storytelling and cognitive conflicts - arousing much curiosity and intrigue. My colleagues in the Science department were very complimentary. Previously Physics ‘sceptics’, they were certainly won over by his engaging manner and explanation of (often challenging) concepts in Physics.
— Robert Hodge, Science Teacher at Pudsey Grangefield School

The Ministry of Sense project is dedicated to producing exciting and interactive science comedy shows that introduce school (10+), adult and family audiences to high level science topics and the fascinating worlds of the scientific method, critical thinking and evolutionary psychology in an engaging, high-octane and fun manner.

It's initial production “The Ministry of Sense: Hunting the Higgs” was developed by award winning scientists and science communicators Dr Sam Gregson, Matilda Hay, Dr Aidan Randle-Conde, Jordan Porter and Dr Suzie Sheehy and geek-pop sensation Jonny Berliner. The show received initial funding and support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council and The Ogden Trust and even contains voice-overs by the gracious and legendary “Voice of Reason” Stephen Fry!





The show aims to engage audience of all ages and levels of science knowledge - particularly demographics that have been historically under-represented in STEM fields.




The show is the first show of its kind. The highly interactive and comedic show sees audience members forming their own hypotheses to solve problems:


Collecting and analysing data from the Large Hadron Collider during hectic physical activities and whilst using their own smart devices:

Exploring their own thinking biases:


and even creating mock LHC proton-proton collisions live!

Hunting the Higgs is currently performed by Sam and pioneer of geek pop Jonny Berliner and includes voice-overs by the legendary Stephen Fry. It has visited high profile venues such as the Royal Institution, The Green Man Festival and Cheltenham Science Festival, as well as numerous schools up and down the country, and engaged more than 5,000 people already.

If you'd like the Ministry of Sense to visit your school or venue, drop us a line here and we'll make it work!